CheckPoint Merge
Parameters+: 参数+: 提示词与 SD1.5 不同,为获得最佳效果,建议遵循结构化提示模板: <|special|>, <|artist|>, <|special(optional)|>, <|characters name|>, <|copyrights|>, <|quality|>, <|meta|>, <|rating|>,…… <|tags|>, (可选):这些提示词只需要输入一次,放在前面,不需要放在后面 Special tags: 特殊标签: The model can still be used without these special cue words, but incorporating these special tags when necessary can help steer the generated results towards the desired direction.在没有这些特殊提示词的情况下,该模型仍然可以使用,但在必要时合并这些特殊标签可以帮助将生成的结果引导到所需的方向。 years: 年: These words help guide the results towards modern and retro anime art styles, with a specific timeframe of approximately 2005 to 2023这些词有助于将结果引向现代和复古动漫艺术风格,具体时间范围约为 2005 年至 2023 年 newest 2021 to 2024 recent 2018 to 2020 mid 2015 to 2017 early 2011 to 2014 old 2005 to 2010 NSFW: 新南威尔士州: These words help guide the results towards adult content, but generally do not generate adult content if rating words are not included.这些词语有助于将结果引导至成人内容,但如果不包括评分词,则通常不会生成成人内容。 Of course, you can also put it in negative prompts.当然,您也可以将其放在否定提示中。 safe General sensitive Sensitive nsfw Questionable explicit, nsfw Explicit quality: 质量: While this model can function without quality words, in practice, these words can still be used to adjust the output.虽然这个模型可以在没有质量词的情况下运行,但在实践中,这些词仍然可以用来调整输出。 masterpiece > 95% best quality > ? great quality > ? good quality > ? normal quality > ? low quality > ? worst quality ≤ 10% Resolution: 分辨率: You are free to use the vast majority of reasonable resolutions, whether it is the resolution used by SD1.5 at 512*768 or higher resolutions above 2048, each will have a different effect. However, using images that are too large or too small may cause the picture to break down or the character/background structure to become distorted.您可以自由使用绝大多数的合理分辨率,无论是SD1.5在512*768使用的分辨率,还是2048以上的更高分辨率,每种分辨率都会有不同的效果。但是,使用太大或太小的图像可能会导致图片崩溃或角色/背景结构失真。 Tags: 标签: If you want to generate high-quality pictures, you can use negative prompts, such as:如果要生成高质量的图片,可以使用否定提示,例如: nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name Negative tags can include common negative tags, but it is best not to assign too high of a weight to their content, for example (ugly:2.8).否定标签可以包含常见的否定标签,但最好不要为其内容分配太高的权重,例如 (ugly:2.8)。 Because of models merge, some labels in the original model that have not been fully trained may be lost, and some labels may need to have a weight of over 1.5 in order to be effective.由于模型合并,原始模型中一些尚未完全训练的标签可能会丢失,并且某些标签可能需要权重超过 1.5 才能生效。 Resolution: 分辨率: A resolution greater than 1024×1024 is recommended, and hires fix is recommended if you want higher resolution or quality建议使用大于 1024×1024 的分辨率,如果您想要更高的分辨率或质量,建议使用 hires fix Most of the generation parameters of the example graph are:示例图的大多数生成参数是: euler_a | 20steps | no hires fix | CFG7 2048 x 2048 not recommended …… 1280 x 2048 1280 x 1536 960 x 1536 Recommended 1024 x 1024 1:1 Square …… 960 x 640 768 x 512 SD1.5 …… 2048 x 512 ¿ Unable to guarantee the quality 512 x 2048 ¿ Unable to guarantee the quality
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